2023 Summer Camp at Camp Weaver Highlights

Every summer YMCA Camp Weaver provides a transformative experience for children, encouraging growth, friendship and skill development in a fun and supportive environment - and this year was no exception!
With more than 2,500 summer camp sessions, Camp Weaver welcomed 933 overnight campers and 830 day campers in 2023. Whether they spent a day at Camp Weaver or spent nights around the campfire, each camper was surrounded by a fun environment to thrive this summer. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to experience the summer of a lifetime regardless of their background or financial ability. That is why we are more than grateful to our generous donors who made it possible for us to provide more than $68,000 in financial assistance to day and overnight campers throughout the summer. Plus, Camp Weaver provided more than $23,000 in discounts. Thanks to funding, more children could benefit from this transformative experience.
This year we also had the opportunity to partner with Camp Corral from which we welcomed 114 overnight campers for a week. Camp Corral provides specialized programming for children of military heroes, including summer camp programs. We are grateful for being part of this mission!
From activities like archery, arts and crafts, movie making, photography, kayaking, skateboarding, gardening and more, to special themed weeks like “International Week” where our international counselors could show off their cultures — it is clear to say campers never miss out on having fun. But apart from being a great opportunity to build friendships and have adventures, summer camp also has an impact on children’s social and emotional learning capacities. Every year through our programming children grow in the following social and emotional learning (SEL) capacities: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. This summer, 95% of children surveyed improved in at least one core SEL capacity and 21% improved in all five capacities.
As we reflect on the 2023 summer camp experience, we are confident to say that memories, skills and growth happened throughout the summer. Children came to camp with a set of skills that were improved or even transformed by the time they left camp.
If you would like to support and join Camp Weaver’s cause to transform and grow the youth in our community, please consider giving today.