Teen Fitness Certification
Our Teen Fitness Certification teaches youth and teens (ages 14–15) how to work out safely and effectively within the Y Fitness Center. The program introduces basic muscle anatomy, exercise concepts and guidelines, gym etiquette and safety practices.
Once youth have successfully completed the program, they will be allowed to work out in the Fitness Center without parental supervision.

The program includes a home study with video, online written exam and in-person practical exam.
- Step 1: Read the Manual
- Step 2: Watch the Videos
- Step 3: Take the Online Exam (need a score of 18 to move to the next step)
A Youth Waiver must be signed by the parent and on file at the Welcome Center. Upon passing both exams, the youth member will be given a lanyard or bracelet to wear, which allows access to the Fitness Center at all YMCA of Greensboro branches.