One Membership. All Locations.
Travel for work but don't want to lose your fitness progress? Prefer the classes offered at another location? Want to have options to work out close to home and to work? No problem. Now your membership means even more, thanks to the Y's Nationwide Membership. All YMCA members have access to all participating Ys in the US and Puerto Rico. Simply present your active YMCA membership card and photo ID at any participating YMCA and enjoy free access.

Why the Y?
- Members enjoy lower "member" rates on all YMCA of Greensboro programs like summer camp, sports, specialty fitness classes, afterschool programs and swim lessons.
- The Y is a gym, but we're so much more. We're also a community center for older adults or special populations who have made lifelong friends through the Y family. We're swim instructors for people of all ages. We're cheerleaders for cancer survivors through our Livestrong program. And those are just a few examples. Still not convinced? Join us at the location nearest you and talk to any of our awesome staff.
- At the Y, it is our goal to ensure that our doors remain open to all regardless of their ability to pay. Learn more about our Financial Assistance Open Doors Program and how it can help all people be a part of our Y family.
Please visit our membership page to find pricing details.
YMCA Nationwide Membership Details
We want to encourage members to use the Y as often as they can. Sometimes, it’s more convenient for members to utilize a Y in a different location when traveling, near a workplace or in another region. Now, YMCA members have the flexibility to use other Y facilities throughout the US.
How It Works
Simply present your active YMCA membership card and photo ID at any participating YMCA and enjoy free access.
Nationwide Membership Details
- The Nationwide Membership program is valid for YMCA members only. SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit memberships are not eligible for the Nationwide Membership program, but may visit other facilities based on SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit guest policies. Other restrictions and exclusions may apply.
- Visitors to other Y’s must present a valid YMCA membership card and photo ID upon their first visit and complete a universal liability waiver.
- YMCA members must use their home branch at least 51% of the time. Program discounts do not apply. Participating YMCA reserve the right to restrict facility or program access. Other restrictions and exclusions may apply.
Things to Know Before You Go
As a Nationwide Member, you now have the added value of visiting Ys across the United States and Puerto Rico. There are a few guidelines to know and follow when you travel:
- Before you travel, contact the Y you intend to visit to make sure it is one of the more than 2,600 locations that participate in Nationwide Membership.
- You must have an active membership to be eligible for Nationwide Membership.
- On average, at least 50% of your monthly visits must be to your Home YMCA (the local association that enrolled you and collects your membership dues).
- If you have known periods of seasonal travel (when you will not be using your Home Y at least 50% of the time or will be a resident of another area for more than 28 days), you will need to place your Home Y membership on hold (or cancel it) and join the Y where you will be living for that time period. Please plan ahead, as it may take several weeks to place your account on hold.
- If you are a college student, you will need to join the YMCA where your usage is 50% or greater. Nationwide Membership is based on individual usage, not the family unit. Most Ys have a young adult or college membership option, or you can ask about the financial assistance program.
- Most YMCAs require a photo ID for all visitors. Please bring a photo ID with you for a seamless customer experience.
- You will be asked to sign a waiver when visiting other YMCA locations.
We offer Nationwide Membership because we want to help you reach your health and wellness goals wherever you live, work or travel. This is an essential part of our cause of strengthening communities.
We look forward to your visit and hope you enjoy being part of more YMCA communities.
Now, YMCA of Greensboro members have the flexibility to use other Y facilities at all participating YMCAs in the US and Puerto Rico, at no extra charge. Some restrictions and exclusions may apply at YMCAs outside of our region. We encourage you to contact the Y you wish to visit for more information.
At the Y, we want to encourage you to use the Y as often as possible to meet your health and wellness goals. Sometimes, it is more convenient for a Y member to use a Y in a different location when traveling, near a workplace, or in another region. This program allows active, full facility/full privilege members this flexibility to use other Y facilities.
SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit memberships are not eligible for Nationwide Membership, but may visit other SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit locations based on the facility's guest policies.
The Nationwide Membership program is valid for YMCA members only. SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit memberships are not eligible for Nationwide Membership but may visit other SilverSneakers and Silver & Fit locations based on the facility's guest policies.
YMCA members must use their home branch at least 51% of the time. The “home branch” is the branch that you originally signed up for your membership or Association. Usage will be monitored over a three-month period and your “home branch” will notify you if you are using another branch more and your membership needs to be transferred.
A select few Ys are not participating in the program (for example, some Ys in tourist areas), so members should contact the Y they wish to visit for details.
Yes, joining fees still apply.
YMCA members will not have a fee for facility access when visiting participating YMCAs. Fees may apply to programs or classes not being taken at your "home branch." If you are not a member of a YMCA local guest passes and restrictions still apply.