Childcare Options at the Y
While You Work Out: PlayZone & Energy Factory
Several of the YMCA of Greensboro branches offer drop-in childcare programs that provide you will the opportunity to bring your children into the facility during your workout. This benefit is free for all YMCA members. Parents must remain at the Y facility at all times.
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day.

PlayZone is designed for children from 6 months to 8 years old. This is a benefit for our Adult, Family and Senior memberships so as long as the accompanying adult is a member, children may use the PlayZone. Please, no outside snacks due to food allergies, also do NOT bring sick children to PlayZone. Crying children will be given 15 minutes before a parent is called unless staff is notified differently.
Hours starting October 2
Monday - Thursday 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Hours are for a limited time based on usage.)
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day.
PlPlayzone is designed for children 6 months to 10 years old. This is a benefit for our Adult, Family, and Senior Membership. The adult must be an active member and stay inside the building. Please, no outside snacks due to food allergies. Do not bring sick children to Playzone. Crying children will be given 10 minutes before a parent is called unless staff is notified differently.
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday: 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day.
All Day Drop-In Care
The Ragsdale Y is offering an all day drop-in care program for the 2024-2025 school year! Care hours are from 7:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for children currently enrolled in Kindergarten through middle school.
Children will engage in group games in our gymnasium and outdoor area, make a splash in our swimming pool, build friendships with peers, and enjoy a day of non-stop activities all, under the watchful eyes of our engaged staff.
Program Eligibility: Children currently enrolled in Kindergarten through middle school, up to age 12.
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Participants must arrive by 9:00 a.m. daily)
Daily Fees: $35 Member | $40 Community Guest
Register Online All Day Care Schedule (Downloadable PDF)
Registration can be completed online or in-person at the Ragsdale Y. All registrations must be completed by the listed registration deadline.
Kids Night Out
View and register for the latest Kids Night Out.
PlayZone is designed for children from 6 months to 8 years old. This is a benefit for our Adult, Family and Senior memberships so as long as the accompanying adult is a member, children may use the PlayZone. Please do NOT bring sick children to PlayZone. Crying children will be given 15 minutes before a parent is called unless staff is notified differently.
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p .m.
Sunday: CLOSED
Please do not bring outside snacks due to food allergies.
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day.
PlayZone is designed for children from 3 months to 12 years old. This is a benefit for our Adult, Family and Senior memberships so as long as the accompanying adult is a member, children may use the PlayZone. Please, no outside snacks due to food allergies, also do NOT bring sick children to PlayZone. Crying children will be given 15 minutes before a parent is called unless staff is notified differently.
Hours starting October 2
Monday - Thursday 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Hours are for a limited time based on usage.)
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day.
PlayZone and Exergame
PlayZone is designed for children from 6 months to 12 years old. This is a benefit for our adult, family and senior memberships so as long as the accompanying adult is a member, children may use the PlayZone. Please do NOT bring sick children to PlayZone. Crying children will be given 15 minutes before a parent will be called unless staff is notified differently.
Saturday | 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (6 months to 12 years old)
Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. (6 months to 12 years old) | 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. (6 months to 12 years old)
PlayZone may only be used for a maximum of 2 hours per day while parent is in the facility.
Exergaming is an accessible, engaging environment to get kids, adults, and seniors into fitness. Combining the excitement of video games with physical activity, Exergames are intuitive to start and easy to learn, lowering barriers of entry and encouraging kids to see exercise as a positive, fun experience.
To learn more about Exergaming, please click here.
About Playzone & Energy Factory
Welcome to the YMCA Playzone program. Our caring team provides age-appropriate activities, arts & crafts, storytelling, and physical games in a safe and fun environment, while the parent/guardian uses the Y.
To maintain our safety standards and ensure program quality, we appreciate your adherence to our guidelines and policies explained in this handbook. Our staff goes through extensive background and reference checks, as well as training throughout the year including certifications in CPR and First Aid. Our goal is to offer you and your child the best care possible.
PlayZone is a service provided at no additional charge for our Adult, Family and Senior members participating in Y activities on the premises. Adults and children that are not members will follow the guest fee schedule.
Monday to Friday | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. (6 months to 9 years old) | 4 p.m.-7 p.m. (6 months to 12 years old)
Saturday | 8 a.m.-12 p.m. (6 months to 12 years old)
PlayZone & Energy Factory Time Limits
PlayZone is limited to 2 hours per day. Drop-off does not begin until PlayZone opens. It is expected that all children be picked up before PlayZone closes and adhere to the time limit. Parents will receive two reminders regarding these policies. Following the third reminder, the child will not be allowed to return
to the program for one week.
PlayZone/Energy Factory may close 15 minutes prior to posted times if services are not being utilized. Parents must remain in the facility at all times.
PlayZone Director
If you have any questions/comments or concerns, please contact:
Nick Zamboni, Membership Director
(336) 478-9622, [email protected]
- Children must be signed in by an authorized adult and checked in by a staff member prior to entering
the PlayZone area. - Notify staff of any important information about your child, such as health conditions, special needs or
potty training. - Ensure all children and infants have been fed, taken to the restroom and have clean diaper before
signing in. Due to food allergies, food is not allowed in PlayZone. - Inform staff of the area of facility you will be using in case of emergency. While children are in
PlayZone, parents are required to remain on the premises and carry a cell phone with them. - Only YMCA staff and PlayZone participants may be in PlayZone. Parents and guardians can only enter for pick-up and drop-off.
This is a benefit for our Adult, Family and Senior memberships. As long as the accompanying adult is a member, children or dependents of the member may use the PlayZone/Energy Factory.
Check in and Out
No child will be admitted without the parent/guardian being present. Parents/guardians must sign their child in and out of PlayZone/Energy Factory, completing the appropriate sign in/sign out procedure located at the counter. Children will only be permitted to leave with a parent/guardian that is 18+.
If a different parent/guardian is picking up than the person who dropped off, written notice must be given to the PlayZone staff prior to pickup.
Child Expectations
- Dress in play attire and keep shoes on at all times (some activities require socks only)
- Follow directions
- Use inside voice, no yelling or screaming
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself
- Take care of toys and equipment
- Treat others the way you want to be treated
- No bad language or fighting
- Behave and display the YMCA core values of: caring, honesty, respect, responsibility
- Have fun!
The YMCA reserves the right to dismiss any child whose behavior is consistently disruptive or interferes with program delivery or the best interest of other children. The YMCA does not condone corporal punishment or inappropriate language.
Behavior is handled on a case-by-case basis according to the age and maturity of each child. Time-out, redirection and “one, two, three, take a break”, as well as reiterating the core values of the YMCA (caring, honesty, respect, responsibility), will be our main methods of correcting behavior.
Biting Policy
Incidents of biting will be evaluated on an individual basis and will be dealt with accordingly based on the age of the child and the circumstances. YMCA staff may determine if the situation warrants the child being asked to leave PlayZone. A behavior form will be filled out for each biting incident and kept on file.
If biting continues to be problematic, a parent conference will be scheduled to discuss a plan of action before the child may return to PlayZone. Copies of the behavior policy are available upon request.
Sick Children
The following guidelines are for the protection of all children. A child may not participate in PlayZone if any of the following exists and must be symptom free for 24 hours. Children who have stayed home from preschool or school for illness will not be allowed to participate in PlayZone.
- Any symptom related to Covid-19 (children can return based on current CDC Guidelines)
- Any symptom of normal childhood disease such as chicken pox or mumps
- Excessive coughing or cough with other cold or flu-like symptoms
- Any unexplained rash or skin infection, i.e. ringworm, impetigo, etc.
- Any symptom related to hand foot and mouth disease
- Fever over 100 degrees F
- Sore throat
- Vomiting
- Pink Eye
- Head Lice
- Diarrhea
- Yellow/green nasal discharge or a nose that runs consistently
Certain illnesses may require a note from your medical provider to return to PlayZone. If your child has special circumstances (such as allergies), we will keep a doctor’s note on file detailing the non-contagious symptoms.
Medication Policy
Non-emergent medications are not administered in PlayZone. Children requiring an EPIPEN® must have a medical authorization form on file and the staff will follow first aid protocol by assisting in the administration of the medication. Inhalers may only be used if a child is able to self-administer the medication.
Excessive Crying
If crying persists for more than 15 minutes, staff will ask the parent/guardian to pick up the child. We want every child’s experience to be positive and we are willing to work together with the family to make the child successful in PlayZone.
Diapers & Toilet Training
Please change your child’s diaper and/or take them to the restroom prior to entering PlayZone. We do not change diapers. Children are required to be dressed in a full set of clothes when visiting PlayZone.
Please label your diaper bag with your child’s name and keep it stocked with necessary items. We can only take children who are wearing pull-ups or underwear to the bathroom. Staff are available to monitor but not assist children that are toileting.
If a child that is potty-trained has a bathroom accident, parents/guardians will be called to change the child.
Personal Items
- Due to limited space, please only bring necessities
- It is very important to label everything… cups, bottles, pacifiers, jackets
- Pacifiers must always be on a clip and labeled for sanitation reasons
- Leave all toys at home –we encourage sharing of all toys, and we do not want toys going home with the wrong family
- The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items
Emergency Procedures
If an emergency should occur that requires the YMCA to evacuate, staff will escort all children outside. You can meet your child at the picnic tables in the front of the facility.
In the event of an injury or accident involving your child, appropriate first aid measures will be taken immediately by staff, and you will be notified or paged to the area.
In the event of a tornado or earthquake, children will be moved to the Y main hallway for safety.
Donation and Outside Toys
We have many toys, books, puzzles and other fun things to discover and explore in PlayZone/Energy Factory, so we recommend all toys be left at home. If outside toys are brought into the area, we expect that those toys will be shared with all children in the play area.
We accept donations of new or gently used toys, baby items, books and supplies such as wipes, tissues, etc. All donations to the YMCA are tax deductible. If you would like an acknowledgement letter, please contact the Membership/PlayZone Director.