2023 Year in Review

January 29, 2024
Well, there goes another year in the books, and what a year it has been! Check out our 2023 highlights below. We couldn’t do what we do without the support and advocacy of our members, team members, community and donors.
- Increased membership by nearly 2,300 units.
- Provided more than $550,000 in Y Financial Assistance for community members to participate in Y program and services.
- Served more than 19,000 free summer meals to summer day camp participants.
- Served 683 children through our Annual Bright Beginnings program. The program provides underserved children with what they need to be successful for the upcoming academic year which can include new clothes, backpacks, notebooks and/or anything else. Volunteers dedicated nearly 900 hours to the program.
- Through the Safety Around Water Grant in partnership with POOLCORP, our branches were able to provide 941 kids in Guilford and Rockingham Counties with free safety classes.
- Offered our first Free Adult CPR and AED classes for the community throughout June.
- Participants in the Youth & Government Teen program were able to get 2 out of 3 bills to the Governor’s Cabinet with one signed into law by the Youth Governor.
- Teen program participants collected more than 500 service-learning hours throughout the year.
- We offered nearly 200 Y wellness classes throughout the community.
Bryan Y
- Served 1,450 people in water fitness classes.
- Through the Physician Referral Program (PREP), 84 individuals participated and lost more than 190 pounds in total.
- Hit enrollment capacity in 4 out of the 6 age groups for the 2023 winter basketball season.
- Partnered with the Greensboro Grasshoppers to bring Summer Baseball Camp to 126 participants.
- GCY Makos ranked 21st in 12 and under teams in the nation out of 3,200 teams nationally.
- Added several new group exercise classes including LesMills BodyCombat, LesMills BodyBalance and kickboxing.
Camp Weaver
- Voted Best Summer Camp in Greensboro/Burlington by Triad Moms on Main.
- Ranked in Newsweek’s America’s Best Summer Camp 2023 list.
- Experienced record enrollment in the summer day camp program with 1,500 campers.
- Served more than 23,000 meals throughout the summer.
- Served 1,763 individual campers throughout the summer.
- 114 children from wounded, ill, and fallen military heroes through the Camp Corral Program experienced a week of summer camp.
- Partnered again with Camp Hope and served the highest number of children compared to previous summers.
Eden Y
- Helped more than 200 family units through the Y Financial Assistance program.
- Added an off-site group exercise class in Stoneville and continued our wellness classes in Mayodan.
- Held our second annual First Responders and Veteran's Day lunches.
- Continued our partnership with the Cormii group to provide food to those in need from our community.
- Doubled our summer day camp enrollment.
- Served more youth through sport compared to previous years.
Hayes-Taylor Y
- Partner with the Greensboro Aquatics Center to teach Safety Around Water classes to 2nd graders from three underserved local elementary schools.
- Launched a Social and Game Day program that serves 70 seniors from the community weekly thanks to the dedication of Y volunteers.
- Served more than 190 children through our Angel Tree Program due in part to the members and staff of the Y as well as generous partners such as the Guilford County Sheriff’s department, the Greensboro Men’s Club and Judge Paul Jones.
- Was the host partner for Cone Health’s first Facility Without Walls Program.
- Held a graduation ceremony for those in our preschool.
- Hosted the 57th Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet with an attendance of more than 250 community supporters.
- Hosted several activities during Welcome Week.
Ragsdale Y
- Celebrated our 20th anniversary of the Reindeer Romp with an increased number of participants.
- Served more than 2,300 participants through group swim lessons.
- Second year with GetOutdoors providing space for kayaking roll clinics, rescue clinics, adaptive kayaking, and more!
- Partnered with the Mobile Food market to serve more than 720 families by offering fresh produce, meats, dairy and bread.
- Became a 500 Fist bump organization.
- Hosted three pickleball tournaments for the community.
- Hosted the Indian festival Navaratri which welcomed more than 1,300 people over three nights.
- Held a self-defense class to teach safety for women.
Reidsville Y
- To combat the feeling of social isolation, we held several events during the year to allow for socialization and experienced attendance growth throughout the year.
- Hit record highs of a youth sports season since 2010 with 288 children participating in Spring Soccer.
- Turkey Trot participation and sponsorships grew allowing us to support more branch programming.
- Launched new group exercise classes including LesMills Core, LesMills BodyBalance, Piloxing, Cardio Dance and POUND Unplugged.
- Summer camp filled before summer even started. We had a waitlist and we were able to allow more children to enjoy our summer camp!
- A language and culture curriculum was introduced in Afterschool to engage the children in cultures they may be unfamiliar with.
- Partnered with Care Connect to provide access to the YMCA for diabetic patients. This collaboration allows participants to access the YMCA through our Financial Assistance program.
Spears Y
- Held 571 group swim lessons and 81 private swim lessons.
- Served more on average more than 330 participants through water fitness classes.
- Relaunched QUAD F program for adults on the autism spectrum and youth chess programs.
- Served 580 participants through the Parkinson’s Disease Cycle program.
- Served on average 169 participants in afterschool and 142 campers in summer camp weekly.
- Group exercise class participation increased by 48% with an average of 4,596 participants in classes per month.
- Hit an impressive number of wellness center visits with 159,948 visits throughout the year, averaging 13,329 per month.
- Provided gifts for 250 children and seniors through the Angels Tree program.
Stoney Creek Y
- Provided 30 free lunches to local first responders in support and appreciation to those who work tirelessly to keep the community safe.
- Collected 500+ pounds of food and donated the collection to the Doris Henderson Newcomers School.
- Partnered with Peacehaven Community Farm to provide free community group exercise classes throughout the year.
- Hosted a school supply drive for Southeast High School and fulfilled teachers' classroom wish lists.
- Offered several Women on Weight classes, providing a space for mutual support and encouragement for women to pursue their fitness goals.
Thank you to our supporters, donors, employees, community partners and community members who came alongside the YMCA of Greensboro to make this past year yet another successful year! We couldn’t do what we do without you and your constant support.
If you would like to partner with the YMCA of Greensboro, please contact us today. To learn more about our Community Impact please visit our Community Impact webpage.