3 Ingredients for a Productive School Break

Kids everywhere have the upcoming break circled on their calendars. For some families, their plans for how their children will be spending this chunk of time away from school are already set. For others, all the different options are still being weighed. Regardless of what your family eventually decides on, we hope that these three ingredients are a part of your child’s spring break experience!
Lots of outdoor activities
Admittedly, it’s pretty easy for kids to fall into a routine of staying indoors and getting cozy on the couch during spring break—after all, it’s been a busy stretch of school so far. However, whether it’s helping your child organize group outings with friends at the park, sending your kids to spring break camp or choosing a few hiking trails for you and your child to conquer, ensuring that this upcoming spring break is filled with lots of outdoor activities is good for your child's mind, body and soul. We’re so lucky in NC to have such great access to outdoor spaces, there’s no need to wait until summer to get outside and have some fun!
Quality time with friends
When everyone has their own schedules and plans for spring break, it can be challenging to coordinate group outings so that your child can spend good, quality time with friends. But, even if it’s only a couple of days here and there, finding opportunities for your child to go out for lunch, catch a sporting event or try out a brand new activity with a friend (or several friends) will go a long way to making spring break one to remember. At the end of the day, the more the merrier.
Opportunities to be creative
Whether it’s arts and crafts, photography, writing poetry, outdoor adventure or dance, there’s no better time than spring break to encourage children to unleash their creativity. This can be achieved through the many courses and camps offered during the break or planning some of your own outings around your community. Maybe have your child can tackle a photo project or sketch some of the notable landmarks and skylines around town. Whatever direction you go with, let your child’s creativity run wild—you might just be pleasantly surprised by the results.
A version of this blog originally appeared on the YMCA of Greater Vancouver's website.