The Community-Building Gift of a Y Membership

"The membership has been a godsend."
Below is one YMCA member's story about the impact her Y membership has had on her health and sense of wellbeing.
"I have been a member since last year when my daughter (also a Y member) gifted me a membership to the Stoney Creek YMCA to help me with my COVID-related sadness. The membership has been a godsend. Since joining, I have met some great people (like Sydney and Jeremy), lost some weight and just an overall feeling better! I am very social, and the Y has given me another community away from COVID. Since I am in my late 60s, this is important. Without the Y, I'd be more isolated since I have been out of work due to COVID.
Currently, I'm participating in the Running of the Ys challenge. The challenge has given me a goal to shoot for, and this has resulted in not only weight loss, but I just feel better overall. If someone were to ask me if they should get a Y membership, I would say “GO! If for no reason other than feeling better and meeting someone new.”