A Little Bit of Help From Your Y Friends

When starting a journey to a healthier lifestyle some people don’t know where to start. They may start by searching for articles, books, social media accounts, videos or advice from friends to find motivation and what they need to know to start moving toward a healthier life. However, for one of the YMCA of Greensboro’s members, she started her journey at the Y. Ms. Hilda, a current member at the Bryan YMCA, has been a continuous inspiration since she became a Y member and started her wellness and weight loss journey two years ago.
"I love the Y. Over the last two years, I have made changes and new friends here,” said Ms. Hilda. “The staff is really helpful and don't mind taking time to show me exercises. I just love it here and tell people to keep moving.”
Ms. Hilda worked with our certified personal trainers and joined a variety of new programs that helped her keep herself moving and motivated. With consistency and the help of our well-prepared staff, she has lost more than 70 pounds, gained strength and adopted a healthy lifestyle. Her determination and uplifting spirit continue to motivate and encourage our members and staff alike.
If you would like to begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle but do not know where to start the YMCA of Greensboro offers personal training, group exercise classes and now offers a new nutrition counseling program. We want to help you take the first step — whatever that first step may look like for you!
Regardless of your age and fitness level, you can still accomplish your wellness goals with consistency and expert advice. You do not have to go through this journey alone. Join Ms. Hilda and many others who have changed their lives. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow, today is the perfect day to start.