From Red to Green at Summer Camp

Summer can be a great opportunity for growth for many children. This year with a lot of determination and excitement, Lauren* reached a goal she anticipated since last summer.
Last summer, Lauren arrived at camp ready for a time of fun, new friends and unforgettable activities. She had a great time but was disappointed she received a red band at the end of summer camp. Swim bands are wristbands that are given to each camper according to their swim ability that is determined by a swim evaluation at the beginning of summer camp. There are three different band colors: green, yellow and red. The green swim band indicates that the participant is allowed in all areas of the pool and lake with no restrictions. The yellow swim band indicates that the participant can swim, but does not have enough endurance or swimming ability to be allowed in the deeper end of the pool. And the red band indicates that the participant cannot swim. To Lauren’s disappointment, she received the red band last summer.
This year, this fearless camper was determined to get a green band by the next time she attended summer camp at YMCA Camp Weaver. Determined to make the most of the year leading up to the next summer camp, she enrolled in swim lessons at her local Y branch. These lessons gave her the guidance, knowledge and opportunity to practice consistently.
As this year’s first week of summer camp came around, Lauren’s hard work paid off. She proudly received a yellow band, a great improvement from the prior year’s red band. Although she was excited about her achievement, she kept her eye on her ultimate goal - the green band. With every swim lesson her technique improved and her confidence increased. After a few more classes, the moment Lauren had been waiting for finally arrived — she proudly received the green band! Her counselors joined in celebration, as they recognized her hard work and dedication.
Lauren’s swim band journey is a great example of the power of perseverance. With time, determination and dedication, anything is possible and skills can be improved. We are very proud of Lauren. She had a goal in mind and she went after it with all of her heart. Plus, she learned a skill that she can keep and use throughout her life. She is now able to play safely in and around water not only at Camp Weaver but wherever life takes her. Join us in celebrating Lauren and her accomplishment!
*Name changed for privacy purposes.