Summer Car Security

Summertime Security Measures to Keep Your Possessions Safe
The weather is heating up, and along with all that excitement also comes an increase in break-ins. This can happen anywhere - a park, the mall, or even at the Y. Keep reading for some tips on how to reduce your chances of it happening to you.
Use common sense.
Car break-ins are typically crimes of opportunity. For example, someone sees you leave your windows down so they reach in and grab the wallet you left in the center console. To make yourself less of a target, always roll up your windows, lock your doors, and be sure valuables are either with you or at least out of sight.
Be visible.
Burglaries are most easy when cars are left in an area where others aren't, so try to park your car near others. Given the choice between a car set off from others and one in a busy parking lot, thieves are much more likely to choose the one by itself - affording them the easier opportunity to steal your things without anyone seeing.
Be on the lookout.
Sometimes, individuals watch for people who are parking and leaving their cars. Pay attention to anyone who seems to be just hanging around a parking lot.
Follow these tips, and your chances of falling victim to a car break-in should decrease.
Source: Nationwide